Brohen, Inc. started in 2013. After opening, struggles came quickly and in many forms. We had some successes and many failures. Knowing this happens to all businesses, large and small, we maintained our faith and kept walking forward, regardless of the outcome. At one point, the doors were closed on the business in 2022. However, the CEO kept the business in good standing and relaunched the brand in 2024.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:14
Our mission is to provide unparalleled support to the companies we manage, ensuring their seamless operations, maintenance, and growth. By overseeing the day-to-day responsibilities of our subsidiaries, real estate, and operational functions, we strive to be the cornerstone of reliability, integrity, and excellence for all our clients.
We aim to be a catalyst for community growth and prosperity through investments in family-friendly entertainment, outreach programs, support, and lasting relationships. Over the next five, ten, and twenty years, we will expand our portfolio to include multiple small businesses, investment strategies, real estate, and shifting into diverse industries. We aspire to be recognized as a trusted partner for expansion and growth, making a blessed and lasting impact on the lives of our stakeholders while generating wealth and opportunity for every person who helps us along the journey.